Trump Presidency Vedic Chart

Vedic Astrology Predictions and Readings for Western Minds

Bringing together concepts of Vedic and Western astrology, we help you to make sense of your life on planet Earth and to prosper in these modern times .  See our personal vedic astrology readings. 

Vedic Astrology Readings

July 23-31 Astrology Predictions

Tuesday, July 23
Early on, the dragons of baser motivations and needs arise to attempt seize situational hegemony.  There is a way that seems right (feels so) but only leads to further earthly enmeshment.  Seek the council of your higher nature in order to act. Deceptive emotional situations.  (Sun opposite Pluto, Venus semisquare Neptune)

Wednesday, July 24
Moon at Perigee
The Moon and Saturn together and close to the Earth.  Culmination of situational issues, take them to the next stage.

Over the next two days Mercury makes a “Finger of God” or “Yod” configuration with Neptune and Pluto will Mercury is at furthest node from the Sun.  Expect some potentially far out discussions or ideas floated about, including some transcendant experiences, or perhaps some inconvenient departures from reality.

Thursday, July 25
Mercury, Neptune, Pluto Yod formation 2 days aphelion Mercury
Audacity and courage.  Might makes right.  (Mercury conjunct Regulus star and quincunx Neptune, Sun sextile Mars)

Friday, July 26
Bitter afterthoughts and feelings, stirring resolutions.  (Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn, Venus quincunx Saturn, Mercury quincunx Pluto)

Saturday, July 27
Mercury at Aphelion
Delta-Aquarid Meteor Shower
Brilliance, perception and connections.

Sunday, July 28
Last Quarter Moon
No peaking influences

Monday, July 29
Mid-morning, US time, the Moon passes over a region of the sky that seem to set off emotional landminds: stars Algol, Pleiades, and Uranus (wandering star).  Tread carefully over sensitive territory.

Tuesday, July 30
Beautiful and surprising emotional and romantic situations.  (Juno trine Uranus, Venus biquintile Neptune)

Wednesday, July 31
Lead with innovation and genius. Liberate thought and energy in everyone.  (Sun quintile Uranus)

Read the rest about July 2024

Previous Astrology Posts

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

This month we have a good share of intermediate and more long-term developments astrologically.  Easter Sunday may prove memorable for more than a few, especially in regard to their relationships.  Jupiter inaugurates are new phase in the sidereal sign of Aries.  Then we have a very deep turn in affairs indicated for all, the old making way for the new.  The old in this case may be making a unique exit of it’s own.

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