Books by Curtis Burns
Secret Laws of the Universe
Secret Laws of the Universe is a non-denominational book of the various spiritual laws that rule life found in all of the world’s religions and philosophies, and how you can use them to the benefit of yourself, your family, and friends. In simple and direct language, various life circumstances are explained from the standpoint of the law of love, the law of mercy, the law of karma, and many other spiritual laws of the universe. In understanding these cosmic spiritual concepts you are then shown how to use them to your advantage and to find great success, happiness, and love.
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Great Astrology and Vedic Astrology Books
The Combination of Stellar Influences
This book by Reinhold Ebertin is one of the classic reference guides for any astrologer in my opinion. Concise and very accurate descriptions of the various planetary configuration and their meanings and manifestations, instead of long-winded psychological explanations.
Some might be confused about the book’s emphasis on midpoint structures in interpretation (called cosmobiology), but the same principles are applied to more “normal” configurations such as t-squares, yods, and grand trines. COSI as it is affectionally called, has been my go-to reference in astrology for decades, and it will continue to remain so.
Beneath a Vedic Sky
If you were to buy only one book on Vedic astrology, I would recommend this book to be the one. William Levacy’s book is good for the beginner, very comprehensive, readable and most important of all, useable. As a matter of fact, I, a long time Vedic practitioner, use it to this very day. Get this book, a Vedic program, and the birth data of family and friends, and you will be on the path of mastering Vedic astrology.
How to Practice Vedic Astrology
Andrew Bloomfield’s book comes in close second, giving many, many chart examples (112) of interpretation, with a very practical and accurate Planet-Sign-House interpretations for you to learn with. How to Practice Vedic Astrology shows how to make accurate predictions on when to expect life’s changes concerning one’s career, love life, children, or spirituality.
Click here for more information or to buy this book.