February 28, 2023
Vedic and Western Astrology for March 2023: Venus and Jupiter, Life as Destiny
by Curtis Burns,

This month we have a beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in sidereal Pisces.  Many words have already been written about it about Jupiter and Venus themselves.  Such a conjunction can signify many amazing things, but we have to take the whole picture of the sky into account

Venus and Jupiter conjunction March 1 2023 with Mercury conjunct SaturnWe can also see a decidely different astrological alignment of Mercury and Saturn also in sidereal Aquarius.  Mercury and Saturn together here can help us to stay realistic about life during otherwise dreamy moments, it pulls us back down to earth, focused on matters important but less  idealistic or escapist than Venus and Jupiter.

Not long thereafter on Saturday, March 4, the whole astrological gestalt becomes quite abrupt or harsh.  Quickly bringing us back to reality with it’s challenges and victories-yet-to-be-won.  There will be a few more bumps down the road as you’ll see in this report (not fully written yet).

The planets can seem like unsympathetic taskmasters up there, ever pushing us on, raising the hurdles again and again.  However us humans could learn to be less resentful of the forces of fate and desitny, they are molding forces.  Our characters are like unrefined metal, these archetypal, mysthical and spiritual forces, very much alive, are like eternal blacksmiths hammering out our impurities, thrusting us into the furnace of trial, forging the steel of our minds, bodies and spirits.  At the same time fate breaking  the iron shell surrounding our hearts.

LIfe is hard, life is easy, it should be too much of just one.  In our hearts we can be at peace, but in the realm of action, the lazy should not be rewarded.

Wednesday, March 1
Daring and depth of love, temptations.  Refinements and resonance in meetings.  (Venus conjunct Jupiter and quintile Pluto)

Thursday, March 2
Honesty of mind, somber realization.  (Mercury conjunct Saturn)

Friday, March 3
Early on, US time, moments of gravity.  (Moon opposite Pluto)

Saturday, March 4
Pierced affection, lanced enthusiasm.  (Venus semisquare Saturn, Mercury tridecile Mars, Mercury quintile Uranus)

Sunday, March 5
Thwarted aspirations, dangerous diversions.  (Sun opposite Pluto)

Monday, March 6

New wings to fly after the previous day’s difficulties.  (Sun sextile Uranus)

Tuesday, March 7
Full Moon
The Moon opposed the Sun brings it’s full illumination to the sky.

Wednesday, March 8
The Moon occupies the Super Galactic Center’s degree, early afternoon US time.  Special inspiration and moments.

Thursday, March 9
Mars enters Sidereal Gemini
A shift in focus, determination.  What you see is what you are.

Friday, March 10
Subtle victimization routines in interactions, others not so subtle.  (Juno square Pluto)

Saturday, March 11
Meet force and intimidation with grace and wit.  It’s the final push to win.  (Mars biquintile Pluto, Mercury midpoint Juno and Pluto, Venus sextile Mars, Mercury sextile Uranus)

Sunday, March 12
Daylight Savings Time starts (USA)
The authorities grant us on additional hour of light, run and play, spend money.  In other areas relationships can find productive/significant zones.  (Juno sextile Saturn)

Monday, March 13
The Sun moves into the constellation (sidereal sign) of the Fishes (Pisces).  According to the legend, the Fishes in the sky are Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed and connected by a ribbon fleeing the monster Typhon (certainly related to the word typhoon).  Carrying the idea of escape from threat.

Tues-Wed, March 14-15
Intentions are the problem. Dysfunctionality mental, emotional, physical. (Sun and Mars square Neptune)

Thursday, March 16
Too much going wrong, let the storm pass.  Get out of the earthly view, like from three light-years out.  (Sun and Mercury square Mars, Venus square Pluto, Mercury conjunct Neptune)

Friday, March 17
St Patrick’s Day
A calmer affair, relationships find a smooth road.  (Venus sextile Saturn)

Saturday, March 18
Effective, penetrative analysis.  Charisma.  (Mercury sextile Pluto)

Sunday, March 19
Moon at Perigee
Adjustment issues. Discover empowerment and success.  (Mercury semisquare Uranus, Mars opposite Galactic Center)

Monday, March 20
Vernal Equinox
Day and night are at equal length. Take back the light you lost starting six months ago through our rotating planet’s axial tilt.  For those in the Southern Hemisphere…. sorry.  Mercury opposed the Super Galactic Center promises some revelations.  Sun sextile to Pluto can tempt the abuse of power, but promise increased discoveries as well.

Tuesday, March 21
Super New Moon (New Moon at Perigee)Jupiter semisquare Saturn, Venus, Juno, Nodes Conjunct
It is a watershed moment for life, love, and relationships.  There is a very rare alignment of “love” planets in our sky right now, as well as the over-arching lords of the skies, Jupiter and Saturn.  It’s a super new moon, to boot!  For every win or loss, there are lessons to be learned.  So, all is good, even when it’s not.

Wednesday, March 22
Moon occults Jupiter
While the Moon literally eclipses the sparkling Jupiter star in the sky, the Sun moves into aspect to Uranus and the Super Galactic Center.  Sometimes change requires a little kick to effectively happen.  (Sun semisquare Uranus)

Thursday, March 23
Lot of energy and enthusiasm craving for direction and purpose, deploy to your highest, best aspirations.  (Mars quintile Jupiter)

Friday, March 24
Moon occults Venus
Early on (especially US time) the Moon rolls across major alignment of last Tuesday, the 21st.  Learn to connect with sincerity, even if it means finding your heart first. Be wary of your own dysfunctions. (Moon conjunct Juno, Venus and Uranus,, Mercury quintile Pluto)

Saturday, March 25
Trigger day.  Learn to make problems benefits.  Rise to the occasion. Love begins with yourself. (Mars quincunx Pluto, Venus semisquare Neptune, Moon conjunct Algol and Pleiades stars)

Sunday, March 26
The Moon crosses the Aldebaran/Antares axis; the Eye of the Bull the Heart of the Scorpion.  Special moments to face hard decisions.

Monday, March 27
Difficulty to address, to progress.  Dogging discouragements.  Keep with things, by endurance the problems lose their power over us.  (Mercury semisquare Saturn)

Tuesday, March 28
Many developments, moments of realism in otherwise chaotic-seeming environments.  (Mercury conjunct Jupiter and quintile Mars, Venus quintile Saturn, Mars semisquare Uranus)

Wednesday, March 29
First Quarter Moon
No peaking influences

Thursday, March 30
Unusual, but potentially workable relationship spaces and developments.  (Venus conjunct Uranus, Mars trine Saturn, Juno semisquare Neptune)

Friday, March 31
Powerful feelings, deep shifts in affairs and relationships.  (Venus tridecile Pluto)

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