Trump Presidency Vedic Chart

Vedic Astrology Predictions and Readings for Western Minds

Bringing together concepts of Vedic and Western astrology, we help you to make sense of your life on planet Earth and to prosper in these modern times .  See our personal vedic astrology readings. 

Vedic Astrology Readings

May 28-31 Astrology Predictions

Monday, May 28
Memorial Day USA
Arrogance and malevolence. Calmness prevails, insights for growth.  (Jupiter conjunct Pleiades stars, Mercury sextile Saturn)

Tuesday, May 28
Expectations brought to realistic levels.  Penetrating insight, charismatic delivery. (Jupiter quintile Saturn, Mercury tridecile Pluto)

Wednesday, May 29
The struggle for love.  (Venus semisquare Mars)

Thursday, May 30
Last Quarter Moon
Insights and inspiration as the Sun conjuncts Aldebaran and Antares the Eye of the Bull and the Heart of the Scorpion, respectively. Mars also enters sidereal Aries, allowing more purity of motivation.  Mercury now moved into sidereal Taurus, allows more practical perspective.

Friday, May 31
Moon Occults Saturn
New perspectives and knowledge.  Relationship adjustments. Exciting emotional and relationship spaces.  (Mercury conjunct Uranus, Sun square Juno, Venus opposite Antares and conjunct Aldebaran stars)

Read the rest about May 2024

December 2023 Astrology: Zeus Lights Up the Skies

December 2023 Astrology: Zeus Lights Up the Skies

In the Northern Hemisphere we are rounding the last corner of autumn with the winter solstice on Dec 22.  Winter to me embodies the ultimate paradox that life and death are, you can’t have one without the other.  Life is indeed a circle, even the whole universe itself (according to some cosmological theories) has cyclic growth and contraction phases.  Just like the human heart.

Previous Astrology Posts

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

This month we have a good share of intermediate and more long-term developments astrologically.  Easter Sunday may prove memorable for more than a few, especially in regard to their relationships.  Jupiter inaugurates are new phase in the sidereal sign of Aries.  Then we have a very deep turn in affairs indicated for all, the old making way for the new.  The old in this case may be making a unique exit of it’s own.

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Mercury, God of Thieves

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