Predictions This Week Articles

Astrology Predictions February 2024: Venus and Mars with Pluto Triggering Love

February 2024 has a few surprises and potentially interesting developments. Pluto always resonates with the unconscious, where conscious will doesn’t always hold sway over matters, therefore not always the wisest of decisions are made.  However conscientiousness, if employed, can channel that Plutonic energy into significant constructive change.

November 2023: Astrology of Deep Activation and Change

November 2023: Sun and Mars in Tandem Charge the Stars November 2023 contains at least four major astrological junctures. Saturn turns stationary direct November 4 There is the period from November 11 to 13 where the Sun, Mars and Uranus are in tight opposition. Then...

October 2023 Astrology Predictions: Courageous Love in Transition

This month there is an amazng three-day series of configurations culminating with Pluto making a direct station on Tuesday, October 10.  As that occurs transiting Venus will be in close conjunction with Regulus, the star representing the Heart of the Lion in Leo constellation.  Followed by a solar eclipse that has Mars in strong aspect to Neptune.

Trump’s Indictment Journey, Saturn Exacts Payment

The whole astrolgical story of Donald Trump is yet to be told, and the upcoming passage of his life as foretold by his transits and Vedic dasas is still rather intimidating.  I should say though that for him there is some light at the end of the dark tunnel he’s currently in.

July 2018: Do or Die

July 2018: Do or Die

The summer of Mars continues with July’s astrology.  The Universe gives to YOU the opportunity to get to know the war-god a much better.  Be PRO-active, not RE-active.  Like the chick struggling to peck it’s way out of the egg, or the butterfly out of its chrysalis, it’s do or die.

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February 2018: An Angry Eclipse

February 2018: An Angry Eclipse

I say an angry eclipse because the Sun is debilitated in Aquarius and then it receives a Vedic fourth-house aspect from Mars in Scorpio. An afflicted Sun as such can give rise to an underlying sense of powerlessness, which can trigger a sort of over-compensating forcefulness or aggression, which the aspect from Mars could aggravate.

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Sept 2017: the Stars Attuned to Your Destiny

Sept 2017: the Stars Attuned to Your Destiny

The Autumnal Equinox of exactly equal night and day signals the turning of the seasons. This means darker and colder up here in the Northern Hemisphere, while it starts to get lighter and warmer for the Southern Hemisphere. As the Sun moves into tropical Libra (as it always does on the Autumnal Equinox), we get a sort of equilibrium: not too warm and not too cold, rather nice.

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June 2017: The Perfection of Imperfection

June 2017: The Perfection of Imperfection

Looking at the teaming oceans, the unnumbered blades of grass in the fields, the myriad stars in the night skies, the universe is abundant beyond measure, it doesn’t jealously count each blessing it dispenses. But abundance without purpose or a plan, becomes profligate, reckless and ineffective. So there is a governing factor that comes into play: karma, curbing excess, judiciously regulating the system, and insuring overall integrity to it.

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