by Curtis Burns | Jan 31, 2024 | Predictions This Week |
February 2024 has a few surprises and potentially interesting developments. Pluto always resonates with the unconscious, where conscious will doesn’t always hold sway over matters, therefore not always the wisest of decisions are made. However conscientiousness, if employed, can channel that Plutonic energy into significant constructive change.
by Curtis Burns | Dec 31, 2023 | Current Events, Predictions |
Happy new year to all. The end becomes the new beginning. Life is an eternal wheel turning. We either revolve with the wheel, or we become the wheel itself. I
by Curtis Burns | Nov 30, 2023 | Predictions |
In the Northern Hemisphere we are rounding the last corner of autumn with the winter solstice on Dec 22. Winter to me embodies the ultimate paradox that life and death are, you can’t have one without the other. Life is indeed a circle, even the whole universe itself (according to some cosmological theories) has cyclic growth and contraction phases. Just like the human heart.
by Curtis Burns | Oct 31, 2023 | Predictions This Week |
November 2023: Sun and Mars in Tandem Charge the Stars November 2023 contains at least four major astrological junctures. Saturn turns stationary direct November 4 There is the period from November 11 to 13 where the Sun, Mars and Uranus are in tight opposition. Then... by Curtis Burns | Sep 30, 2023 | Predictions This Week |
This month there is an amazng three-day series of configurations culminating with Pluto making a direct station on Tuesday, October 10. As that occurs transiting Venus will be in close conjunction with Regulus, the star representing the Heart of the Lion in Leo constellation. Followed by a solar eclipse that has Mars in strong aspect to Neptune.