April 20, 2008
John McCain Pt 3: Key Cycles Up to the Election
by Curtis Burns,

While Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton are trading snipes at each other daily in the media, John McCainJohn McCain Success Astrology 2008 seems to be just cruising along.  Life has always seemed to be pretty generous for McCain, maybe his road to the White House will be as equally hitch-less.

The whole picture will come out as I flesh out the details over the next week or two.  Let me say right here though that John McCain seems to be pretty formidable.

One could say that the public life and reputation for McCain is only just beginning in a sense, and that he could be entering a totally new phase of authority and responsibility in his life.  Being senator, about the only next step up would be US President or maybe Supreme Court Justice, or perhaps UN ambassador.  At any rate, it would seem just from the Vedic astrology cycles alone that he is about to have an even more prominent and important position in life….

While Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton are trading snipes at each other daily in the media, John McCain seems to be just cruising along.  Life has always seemed to be pretty generous for McCain, maybe his road to the White House will be as equally hitch-less.John McCain Success Astrology 2008

This will be a look at all the relevant cycles in the astrology of John McCain, both western and vedic astrological, up to the November 2008 election and January 20, 2009 inauguration of the next US President.  John McCain has a number of key cycles peaking right at that time, both potentially challenging and also fortuitous.

As to who will actually win the election, I won’t literally say (as this astrologer’s ego is not quite that big) but I will prove who has the most going for him or her and would be the most clear indicator of a winner.  The whole picture will come out as I flesh out the details over the next week or two.  Let me say right here though that John McCain seems to be pretty formidable.

Chief Vedic Indicator – Maha Dasa

The area of the chart that indicates the most public expression of their destiny is the tenth house, the most elevated stars and planets at the time of their birth.  For McCain his tenth house is occupied by the sign Gemini, and its ruler therefore is the planet Mercury, which is also rather well-dignified in the Ascendant (a prominent position) in the sign of Virgo (Mercury’s other sign of rulership).

McCain Astrology 2008
John McCain’s Vedic Vimshottari Dasa (planetary periods) showing
17 year Mercury Maha Dasa starting in Sept 2008

This would indicate natally that the power of the personality of the individual in question would be very strong to propel him to his career and reputation, and it would be rather fortuitous since Mercury or his tenth house is not particularly afflicted (with the exception of Ketu in the tenth house, which means it has not exactly been smooth sailing all the way to the top for McCain).  But all in all, it is pretty good.

The timetables for activation of the different house and life-areas are delineated quite effectively by the Vedic dasa system, these are time-periods that have certain qualitative meanings to him, and they are unique to every individual.  It just so happens that on September 2008, just prior to the election and inauguration, McCain will be entering a seventeen-year Mercury maha dasa.

Basically it would say that the public life and reputation for McCain is only just beginning in a sense, and that he could be entering a totally new phase of authority and responsibility in his life.  Being senator, about the only next step up would be US President or maybe Supreme Court Justice, or perhaps UN ambassador.  At any rate, it would seem just from the Vedic astrology cycles alone that he is about to have an even more prominent and important position in life.

Naturally, he’s now running for President.  He ran before in 2000, but he was not in the same position astrologically then as he will be shortly.

McCain’s Vedic Solar Return – 2008 Varshaphala

McCain’s 2008 Varshaphala (solar return chart) has a well-dignified Jupiter in the tenth house and a strongMcCain Astrology 2008 Mars in the seventh house; this could be considered to be quite strong and powerful to advance himself in life.  In vedic astrology the seventh house is considered to be connected to public life and career because it is the tenth house from the tenth house. (Image on right)

The 2008 varshaphala also has the Sun and Saturn in the sixth house, which means there could be health issues as well as not a little bit of opposition and flack he has to deal with.  The idea though with the sixth house though is that these are hardening, strengthening influences and can make him more effective.

Saturn Transits

About the “worst” influence in the immediate life of McCain is the conjunction of Saturn to his Sun in late July 2008, which may help to embroil him in a sea of troubles at that time.  There will also be some troubles from Saturn in October 2008 as it conjuncts his Neptune, squares his Jupiter; and then it opposes his natal Saturn in December/January 2009.

Since Saturn is acting on the sixth and twelfth houses of his chart, this could correspond to the final all-out push that candidates go through in the last weeks of the election, going past normal limits in that heroic dash.  McCain’s natal Saturn in the sixth house contributes to his qualities as a “scrapper”, and no doubt this can be a virtue at crunch time.  The effect of Saturn onto Neptune may cause some loss of enthusiasm or mysterious loss of vitality on his part (possibly effecting health) in the later days of the campaign.

Election Day 2008 McCain Peaking Cycles (Western Astrology)

In November 2008 there will be a whole constellation of key astrological influences peaking in the chart of McCain:

Jupiter will oppose his midheaven and square his ascendant, this could cause him to be very upbeat (even if unrealistically so) brash and arrogant, and certainly activate various strokes of good luck.

Also the transiting South Node will be conjunct his natal Mars in his eleventh house.  Mars is another one of McCain life-long good luck factors as it is the ruler of the ninth house.  He could be feeling exceptionally aggressive and ready to take on opposition; it could contribute to more good luck returning at this key time.  He needs to be careful of accidents or conflicts though. Since it is Ketu though, it could be quite turbulent and go either way.

On the day of the election Saturn and Uranus will directly oppose each other, and they will be losely aspecting McCain’s Saturn/Neptune opposition; this can be a strongly stressful and debilitating influence at work at this time.

McCain Astrology 2008
Transits on Nov 4. 2008 (Election Day) outer ring, McCain’s chart inner rng

Tertiary progressed Mars (a very powerful influence) will also be opposing his midheaven, helping to propel him ahead.  In November also solar arc directed Saturn will be semisquaring his midheaven as well, this may come out as chokes at crucial times and sudden setbacks making his run for the White House all the more tense.

On November 11, 2008 McCain’s minor progressed Saturn will go direct; this is an extremely slow moving and deep factor at work. Since it is Saturn, delays, obstacles, and frustrations will be the operative principlesl  Will there be another vote-counting controversy?  Will there be something not quite letting him celebrate any victories?

Finally, the final configuration occurring in this juncture of McCain’s life will be the square of his secondary progressed Mars and midheaven upon his natal Mars in middle-late January 2009, theoretically as he is taking is oath of office, were he to win. This could be considered a “starting out with a bang” kind of influence, and hopefully such a bang is figurative and not literal.


This seems to be an extraordinary amount of events converging at a key time in McCain’s life; and they are just “positive” enough to make me wonder if he could be a happy man in November 2008.  There are of course more malefic factors at work such as the Saturn transits and the Saturn minor progressed point above, but it is still just configured enough to make it potentially victorious for McCain.  Saturn is the ruler of his sixth house, and the sixth house in Vedic astrology of the house of war; and the implication is that in war we covercome our enemies.

I may be jumping the gun saying this, but the continual sniping that Obama and Clinton are doing to each other are going to have some damaging effect to both their campaigns.  It is hard to believe that the powers that be will allow yet another Republican administration to power, but I have to be true to what the stars seek to say.  I am just as interested to get into the chart of Obama and Clinton to sort all this out.  Please stay tuned for forthcoming articles on Obama and Clinton and how they stack up with all the relevant cycles.


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