April 16, 2008
John McCain Pt 2: US Astrology Connections
by Curtis Burns,

McCain and the US Chart From the outset, some very strong, deep, and potentially problematical connections are evident.  To correctly interpret all of this we’ll need a little grounding in political realism as well as the ancient art of astrology.

If McCain were to win the election this Saturn influence may dampen some of his fun while on the job and put him through his paces; it could push health past its safe limits.  Some people say that he is constitutionally inadequate to the job right now, being 72  and having spent five and a half years as a POW (which some say he received priviledges as), and his reputation of living loose and on the edge has got to take its toll.

Unless he’s propped up by a team of doctors and the like, he may be at the end of his rope.  He may get that coveted prize though of being able to sit in the Oval Office, but this is where his handlers and behind the scenes managers come into play….or his vice president.

John McCain and the US Chart This is a look at the connections between the horoscope of John McCain and that of the USA, and what they could possibly mean.  From the outset, some very strong, deep, and potentially problematical connections are evident.  To correctly interpret all of this we’ll need a little grounding in political realism as well as the ancient art of astrology.

The chart that I have found best for the US is the 5:12 LMT chart of July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As I stated in part I of this series, I believe the 9:00 am August 29, 1936, Cocosolo, Panama to be accurate, at least enough for our purposes here.  Remember also that is chart uses the sidereal zodiac, which is standard for Vedic astrology. Both charts will be shown in their entirety at the bottom of this article.

Believing the Big Dream

McCain’s Jupiter in Scorpio squares Neptune in Leo, which are in direct aspect to the US natal Ascendant. ThisAstrology of the US and John McCain means that McCain might have unrealistic expectations, if not downright toxic attitudes concerning power and the most effective means of dispensing it.  The very tight lining up of this configuration upon the very locus of US identity (its ascendant) would seem to say that he’s got a unique connection to the expression of that US identity.

As I have said before, the rulership of the US ascendant by Mars would indicate that we are a very technological, militaristic, and passionate  nation.  Desire burns hot for us, and we must expand, acquire, and seize control of others who we deem as lesser to our noble cause. 

I am trying not to be biased in my approach here, nor am I necessarily saying that this way I am describing is wrong, evil, or “bad”.  Everything has its place in the universal scheme of things and there are some very outstanding qualities to a nation that feels so driven.

Party Lines

While Republicans may tell you that we are for prosperity, capitalism, and freedom; and the Democrats may sing songs to you about how we are a nation of caring, progressive, and socially-conscious individuals; the bare facts about the military-industrial complex that has influenced our foreign policy for the last 100 years or so, it would speak differently again.

Both Republican and Democrat politicians have avidly served their cause, expanding their profits and achieving their goals; all the while mouthing their respective soothing and fractionalizing platitudes to their blocks of voters.  Again, it takes something like the ultimate objectivity of the stars to help us see things in truer perspective.

So John McCain’s Jupiter conjunct the US ascendant would be very fortuitous to him; and as I have indicated some in part I of this series, the US government has been very generous with him from time to time.  Will it be even more generous in November 2008?  Let’s look at things a little bit more.

Calamitous Shock and Change

McCain’s Moon in Capricorn is within three degrees of the US natal Pluto.  Already shades of the astrology ofMcCain and the US Astrology George W. Bush become evident, and understanding the incendiary nature of events that can occur in McCain’s wake (the US Forrestal fire, loosing five planes, being shot down over Vietnam) we can only wonder more. 

Pluto is a planet that brings in shock and irreversible change; it has a searing effect on the psyche and it is not very subtle in it’s end results.  Pluto is known to be quite stealthy in its modus operandi however, but so is a ninja as he sneaks up behind your back and slits your throat. 

McCain’s Moon on the US Pluto would seem to indicate that he would be one who could be a focal point for the ruthlessness required to continue expanding a blanket of power and control.  All governments if unchecked seem to move towards totalitarianism as a pathology, and the obsessiveness inherent in this Moon/Pluto connection would indicate that McCain could be quite formidable on his road to the White House.  The fact that McCain has his Moon opposite Pluto quite closely in his natal chart, just reinforces this theme all the more.

A Special Key to Authority

The Astrology of the US and John McCainMcCain’s Midheaven (called the MC) is conjunct the US natal Sun in Gemini.  The MC as a western astrology point is associated with reputation and objectively observed social identity; as this is conjunct the US Sun this is quite strong for McCain if he were to be US President; call it the “keys to the Oval Office” if you will. 

Now I have no illusions about who and what actually makes the decisions in the White House in any given administration.  The last real “president” maybe was Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon, since then I regard them as front-men who ascend only because they advocate the financial/power elite’s globalist causes.  Dick Cheney probably is the real mover and shaker in the White House currently, but he has his overseers that he answers to and he is paid quite handsomely to do so.

My point here is that somehow the man himself, figurehead/strawman or not, has some kind of fundamental connection to the principals in force and his astrology points directly to it.

National Pain, Loss, and Hardship

McCain’s personal ascendant is closely conjunct the US natal Saturn.  As Saturn symbolizes austerity,The Astrology of US and John McCain deprivations, and challenges; this doesn’t seem to promise much that is appealing.  However, austerities help promote independence and self-sufficiency in individuals and help to cut them free from limiting psychological addictions, ecumbrances, and co-dependencies.  The fact that food prices are rising, shortages of energy and other commodities connected with a dollar almost at the point of collapse; this would not seem to portend happy times immediately ahead if there were a McCain presidency.

If McCain were to win the election this Saturn influence may dampen some of his fun while on the job and put him through his paces; it could push health past its safe limits.  Some people say that he is constitutionally inadequate to the job right now, being 72  and having spent five and a half years as a POW (which some say he received priviledges as), and his reputation of living loose and on the edge has got to take its toll.  Unless he’s propped up by a team of doctors and the like, he may be at the end of his rope.  He may get that coveted prize though of being able to sit in the Oval Office, but this is where his handlers and behind the scenes managers come into play….or his vice president.


I’m not covering every single connection McCain has with the US chart (not the least of which is his Mars conjunct the US natal North Node), and those may be for another time.  But I think a picture reveals itself of a man who has powerful and hard-to-pull-out connections with the destiny of the United States of America.  This could be his time, but that will only become more clear as I take a look at his current cycles in force, their timetables, and how Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama similarly stack up.


The Astrology of the US and John McCain
The USA Chart on the Inside Wheel, John McCain’s Chart on the Outer Wheel

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