September 21, 2008
Astrology of US Financial Debacle 2008
by Curtis Burns,

Trying to see a direct correlation to these past few week’s financial developments is not quite that easy to see since it is a system problem that has extended for decades already.  However on September 8 and 9 Jupiter and Pluto both went stationary direct, so this was about a week prior to the onset of the debacle.

Looking ahead there is a heady mix of elements to weigh: the coming administration, the continuing Iraq war, extending the war to Iran, and now friction with Russia itself.  Add to this the imperiled (an understatement) US economy and any other wildcards the universe can throw our way; it becomes truly mind boggling….

Trying to pinpoint astrological factors that contributed to the historic US financial developments over the last few weeks is not so cut and dried.  Sudden economic events are more synthetic man-made occurrences than natural sociological phenomena, and so therefore it’s a little more complicated.

Foundations of a Collapse

Basically this is the economics of “boom and bust”, currencies and markets are artificially pumped up by extended intense money-creation of fiat bills.  Fiat currencies are monies that have no solid backing at all like gold, and it is produced at the whims of the government/financial sector for reasons of political and banking expediency. 

With no “reality” in this money system, eventually it undergoes corrections (“busts”) and eventually the big bust comes along and we get a 1930’s style depression or worse, such as with the economy just prior to Nazi Germany where you couldn’t buy a loaf of bread with a wheel barrel full of paper money.

The “boom” part of our current situation started in the late 80’s and brought about the tech boom of the 90’s, which subsequently collapsed.  However the intense money-printing policy was accelerated (to an extent of several billions of dollars created daily) and this brought us into the real estate boom, which has now officially become a bust.

The Current Bubble

This real estate boom brought about the dangerous inflation of the subprime mortgage market and the vest over-extension of the brokerage firms that propagated the practice.  This past week we saw the buy out of several major firms on Wall street, and now a government bailout to the tune of a trillion dollars.  A government bailout though really should be understood to be an involuntary taxpayer funded welfare check to firms that should have otherwise filed bankruptcy or faced charges of consumer fraud.

 So trying to see a direct correlation to these past few week’s financial developments is not quite that easy to see since it is a system problem that has extended for decades already.  However on September 8 and 9 Jupiter and Pluto both went stationary direct, so this was about a week prior to the onset of the debacle.

The fact however that Jupiter is trining also Saturn concurrently, would seem to indicate that things could be worse than they are; but it would seem to be a weak kind of mitigation creating false optimism at best.  The stock market rally, no doubt brought about by the White House “plunge protection committee”, just seemed to put a happy face on an otherwise very bad situation.

Adding another $1 trillion dollars to the US debt will not help interest rates, real estate, the employment rate, or the dollar internationally; further yet, this doesn’t even touch the estimated $62 trillion in credit default swaps brought about by the unregulated derivative market.  When these come tumbling down, will Wall street just collapse?  And this is just the beginning…

More to Come

Looking ahead there is a heady mix of elements to weigh: the coming administration, the continuing Iraq war, extending the war to Iran, and now friction with Russia itself.  Add to this the imperiled (an understatement) US economy and any other wildcards the universe can throw our way; it becomes truly mind boggling.

As I was just scanning the upcoming major astrological themes, there are some very dramatic configurations coming around the later part of 2010 with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and the Nodes forming squares to each others.  So about two years into the next administration (Obama or McCain) look to be very, very intense.  Much can happen, and I know it will.

US Economic Debacle Astrology

December 2010 Astrology: Outer Planets at Hard Angles to
Each Other Bringing Elements to a Boil
(Vedic/Sidereal Positions)

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