April 3, 2022
April 2022 Astrology Predictions: Enlightened Outcomes
by Curtis Burns,

April 2022 Vedic Astrology PredictionsApril 2022 Vedic-Western Astrology Predictions: Potentials for Spirituality

April 2022 is relatively well-stocked with astrological events of significance, but which will occur at both the beginning and the end of the month.

During the first few days we will be having simultaneous conjunctions of Mars and Saturn and Jupiter and Neptune, and then in the last days of the month there will be a station of Pluto and a somewhat powerful (in not necessarily a good way) solar eclipse.

April 2022 Astrology

Early April 2022 Mars-SAturn and Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions

The April 4th conjunction of Mars and Saturn should be very apparent to us, challenging our senses of being able to persevere and overcome difficulties or impasses in life, but the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (occurring actually on April 12) may temper the wind, as it were.

The Jupiter-Neptune influence at the same time as Mars-Saturn would indicate a greater propensity to bring about more spiritual and compassionate framing of things during the typical Mars-Saturn crisis’s. Hope giving cause for more perseverance and thus success.

Solar Eclipse April 2022

April 30 Solar Eclipse, Sidereal Chart CLICK TO ENLARGE

The April 29-30 spike will occur as Pluto turns stationary retrograde followed by a solar eclipse.  Pluto stations make the darker things come out, exposing them for us to address, and this eclipse is in semisquare to Neptune, which itself will also be particularly problematic.

The eclipse has some very nice features: a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter and a sextile of Mars to the eclipse point.  Again, these things conceivably enable better, more enlightened outcomes.

Friday, April 1
Cordiality, yet charismatic.  In-depth issues are brought out.  (Mercury quintile Pluto, Mercury semisquare Venus)

Saturday, April 2
Powerful projection, important decisions, thoughts and realizations.  (Sun conjunct Mercury)

Sunday, April 3
No peaking influences

Monday April 4
Determined resolution to move through sticky problems, defy fate, decree your own destiny with all the accompanying perseverances.  (Mars conjunct Saturn)

Tuesday, April 5
Mars shifts into sidereal Aquarius, helping among other things purposeful efforts to benefit the most people.

Wednesday, April 6
Exciting connections with others, promoting growth. Jupiter moves into sidereal Pisces, enabling subtler awareness over the next twelve months. (Venus quintile Uranus)

Thursday, April 7
Clarity, joyful determination and focus. (Mercury sextile Saturn)

Friday, April 8
Effective urgency, passion with others.  Saturn enters sidereal Aquarius for the next two and a half years, giving hope and higher purpose to earnest strivers.  (Mercury sextile Mars sextile Juno)

Saturday, April 9
Intense relationships issues, how true and pure are your desires?  (Mars conjunct Juno)

Sunday, April 10
Subjugation, abuse of others, dysfunction.  (Mercury square Pluto)

Monday, April 11
No peaking influences

Tuesday, April 12
Growth of the heart.  (Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Sun sextile Saturn)

Wednesday, April 13
Relationship issues addressed, find new honesty and therefore intimacy.  (Mercury quintile Saturn, Sun semisquare Venus)

Thursday, April 14
No peaking influences

Friday, April 15
Interesting, but possibly irrelevant escapist ideas and discussions.  What seems like incredibly real today tomorrow may not be so great upon analysis.  (Mercury semisquare Neptune and Jupiter)

Saturday, April 16
Bright and delightful connections and discussions.  (Mercury quintile Juno)

Sunday, April 17
Excitement and passion, move things forward with depth of meaning for all.  (Mars quintile Uranus, Mercury sextile Venus, Venus semisquare Pluto, Mercury conjunct Uranus)

Monday, April 18
Dysfunctional but powerful motivations, urgent to control.  (Sun square Pluto, Venus sextile Uranus, Mercury quintile Mars)

Tuesday, April 19
Relationship building, ulterior motives at work.  Get to the root of issues.  (Sun sextile Juno, Mercury tridecile Pluto)

Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat, April 20-23
No peaking influences

Sunday, April 24
Discouragement, suppressed mental function, but creativity in repose still. (Mercury conjunct North Node, square Saturn, sextile Neptune)

Monday, April 25
Effectively directed will.  Break past discouragement, projected insurmountables.  (Sun quintile Saturn)

Tuesday, April 26
Relationships accented, excitement and hope going forward.  (Venus conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Jupiter, Juno quintile Uranus)

Wednesday, April 27
Far-seeing penetrative perception, strive to be free of bias or extreme willfulness in thoughts and actions.  (Mercury trine Pluto)

Thursday, April 28
Pluto Stationary Retrograde
The next two days may have an unearthly or uncertain feel to them, spurred as much by crisis as anything.  Subtle confidence is required.  (Sun semisquare Neptune)

Friday, April 29
No peaking influences

Saturday, April 30
Solar Eclipse
The Sun suddenly darkens slightly for a bit, it’s not the end of the world, but maybe the end of one chapter of life and another beginning.  Loveliness of spirit, brightness of outlook.  (Venus conjunct Jupiter)

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