2,749 people paid a dear price five years ago today. I of course will never forget that day, it seems like a part of me was murdered. I don’t cry out for vengeance, my plea is simply for such madness and wanton bloodshed to end. I don’t think anyone wants war, nor is it the answer.
The world is on the cusp of dramatic change. The fall of the Twin Towers, for whatever reason and by whose hand, signifies the shattering of modern-but-still-very-old mindset. The shrewd planning and ambitions of the financial global elites of society will crumble and precipitously fall as did the concrete, metal, and glass of the towers.
Of course it may have inaugurated a new era of war and chaos across the face of the world. Would the latest Israeli-Hezbollah conflict have started without the progression of US involvement in the Middle East that started with 9-11? If the US launches against Iran now, how will it end and to where will it then lead to?
The enemy is not fanatic Muslims, it is the lower aspect of civilization itself, which periodically rises and falls if there is not some renaissance of the spirit. “The Kingdom”, that remote ideal, the dream of a just government in a perfect society is one where spirit successfully merges with materiality, and the Law is synonymous with the Lawgiver.
2,749 people paid a dear price five years ago today. I of course will never forget that day, it seems like a part of me was murdered. I don’t cry out for vengeance, my plea is simply for such madness and wanton bloodshed to end. I don’t think anyone wants war, nor is it the answer.
I think what will save the planet will be the Truth that will set it free: education, freedom from bias, opportunity to utilize one’s inherent talents, and the real understanding of who and what we are and our potential. War is a distraction and a costly one at that.
War however is an evolutionary vehicle for mankind, it has molded and shaped civilization; it can’t be entirely avoided. Sometimes wars do the right thing. It caused the creation of the US Constitution, it stopped the Axis advance of WWII, and it forged Scottish nationalism in the face of English tyranny.
Many people died on that day five years ago, and many now today are dying from inhalation of toxic chemicals trying to save those under the rubble. Savage war crimes are being waged in the name of those people who died: the use of depleted uranium munitions, potential “mini” nuclear wars, “shock and awe” tactics whose victims are primarily innocent civilians, and the US economy has literally been brought to bankruptcy.
I could go on and on, and there are plenty of Internet sites that will enumerate the inconsistencies of this war. Some of the good things however 9-11 has brought about are the actual illumination and education of some people where they may not have been stirred otherwise. I know that the pain of the senseless loss I felt on that day, has and will spur me onward to find greater and greater love to all people everywhere.
Lastly, I feel the very salvation of my very own soul; through the ultimate sacrifice of those that day I reconnect more and more to my real self. Maybe such gains are precious few in comparison to what greater monstrosities 9-11 has given birth to; but it is always the few who do what is right to save the many, and maybe this is what it is all about.