June 10, 2008
Putting Out Fire with Gasoline
by Curtis Burns,

Mars Conjunct KetuPutting Out Fire with Gasoline

Mars is the planet of war and the sparks of clashing steel and the clamor of boundless fervor.  In more western circles the Nodes are associated with groups, relationships, and timely coming together of people and circumstances.  Since all the points involved and their dispositors are in a bad state, I would say that associations, connections, and grouping forming under this astrology might be more troubled than would normally be so.  There could be painful, unhappy, and turbulent episodes or developments. 

It would seem that stock markets and a state of economic prosperity will be burdened making noticeable troughs in graphs.  The price of gasoline driving up other costs and the ravages of inflation rise the prices of everything.  The way government typically react to such problems is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline itself; infusions of money supply only stimulates more inflation of prices down the road and takes economies to the point of no return.

Mars Conjunct KetuPutting Out Fire with Gasoline

I remember some years ago,I got an email from someone that I know telling me to watch out for a certain configurations of planets that was upcoming.  By that time I had seen it all already, I had risen above knee-jerk, near-hysterical predictions of an amateur; and I had already started to study Vedic astrology and was beginning to understand the power of the Nodes which are somewhat ignored in western astrology.  I replied to him saying, "Well you think that’s bad, just wait a few more days and Mars will be conjuncting the North Node." 

He replied back, saying "I think you might be right."  A few days later was the 9-11 attacks. 

The Power of the Nodes

Over the last few weeks here on SWN I have been focusing on the malefic power of the Nodes to spoil your day.  A few weeks ago as the Sun was coming into square to the Nodal Axis, this was when the Myanmar cyclone hit and a short time later the China earthquake. 

The Nodes represent the irrevocable evolutionary power of karma, how life changes because you have no choice.  You can’t raise the dead, snap your fingers and your house reassembles itself in an instant, or erase the searing power of traumatic events from the screen of your psyche.  You have to go on.  Fate is cruel, but maybe a greater cruelty is to leave you in your ever-deepening ruts, becoming so identified with your illusions that you lose connection to your soul and then you are dead to eternal life. 

The people who preach the concept of tough love have no conception of the power of the love of the universe that is brought to bear on the evolving soul-consciousness.  It’s not likely either that they know just how much the love-justice-mercy of that same universal presence held back of what was karmically merited at that moment for the soul or group of souls such as are in Myanmar or China. 

I’ve also been commenting on how that transit of the Nodes now just moving into Cancer/Capricorn sidereally brings to our urgent attention both the abundance and scarcity of essential commodities. Whether this situation was synthetically created by financial manipulations of currencies, markets, and commodities themselves; it remains a fact now that we must deal with shortages, subsequent price rises, and the need to deal with less than we had before. 

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June 2008 Mars Ketu

Mars and KetuNow Mars, just like September 2001, is coming around to conjunct the South Node (Ketu).  This will be exact on Saturday, June 14 (true node measurement). It probably won’t be another 9-11, but we may be experiencing somewhat of an echo of the pain, shock, and anxiety that was unleashed during that time.  <!–[endif]–>

As Ketu is in Cancer and Mars is debilitated in Cancer, some of the less savory Martian qualities that are latent in crowds of people may come out: hysteria, anger, coercion, and desperation.  It’s not good either that Saturn, the North Node’s dispositor, is itself debilitated in sidereal Leo.  I do just not like the picture that is forming here.  Maybe you’re already beginning to feel pre-manifestation nervous anxieties a week or two early. 

Mars is the planet of war, the god of war from Roman mythology, and the sparks of clashing steel and the clamor of boundless fervor.  In more western circles the Nodes are associated with groups, relationships, and timely coming together of people and circumstances.  Since all the points involved and their dispositors are in a bad state, I would say that associations, connections, and grouping forming under this astrology might be more troubled than would normally be so.  There could be painful, unhappy, and turbulent episodes or developments. 

Economic Repercussions

It would seem that stock markets and economic indicators will be burdened, which could produce noticeable troughs on stock market charts.  The price of gasoline driving up other costs and the ravages of inflation will raise the price of everything.  The way government typically react to such problems is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline; infusions of money supply only stimulates more inflation of prices down the road and takes economies to the point of no return. 

Printing of money, as it were, produces an ever widening spiral of the need to create more money whereby it is impossible to pay off the debt.  You borrow money at interest, so more money has to be created to pay off the debt, which produces more interest, which demands more loans, etc.  Eventually all assets are tied up in financial instruments (and the bank’s control), and a nation’s middle class has been robbed blind. 

Abundance and Scarcity

As the Nodes move through this very pivotal of astrological sign axis’, we could see some fundamental changes in the say property and assets (governed you could say by Cancer) becomes a focal point of acquiring greater power and control (symbolized by Capricorn) by an executive elite.  Cancer rules plenty and abundance like the flowing waters of the oceans, and Capricorn rules hardship, discipline, and a sense of overcoming.  So in one way we experience this as economic hardship and perhaps injustice; in a higher more spiritual way we experience such times as one of cutting out extraneous things, frugality, and learning the value of our resources. 

Possibly even more interesting will be the summer of 2008 as Mars moves into sidereal Leo along with Saturn creating a time of intensity and frustration indeed.  Maybe the flames of the need to carry war over into Iran will energize the US government’s rhetoric against this allegedly great evil nation, or maybe carry the war over by proxy with more "black ops" or other such provocative actions so outright war becomes inevitability.  This could really intensify during the first week of July as Mars and Saturn will actually conjoin on 7-11. 


Hopefully after this peaking of the astrological cycles there will be a cooling down, as it were. If the Bush White House does not feel confident that John McCain will be able to win the election and an Obama administration will come in; will they then decide to exercise a little more proactive war-waging because it may be their last chance?  This time window of later-June to mid-July looks to be potentially volatile. 


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