Blog Articles

April Predictions: Tipping the Scales Total Solar Eclipse April 8, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

The big story for April of 2024 will be the total solar eclipse that draws a line across the eastern portion of the US.  The path of totality (complete darkness) goes from Texas up through Maine. I will say that it does seem to portend some changes to the US as a nation, almost like the grain of sand that tips the scales in the other direction.

March 2024: A World without Equinoxes or Solstices

In March we come to the Vernal Equinox, when for about a month night and day are of about equal length, hence the word equinox.  There is one day when they are exactly equal and that is the Vernal Equinox, March 20. It is thereafter that one starts to gain dominance, for the Northern Hemisphere it is the day, while in the Southern it is night.  For the Southern their part of the globe actually moves away from the sun, hence the decreased light.

Astrology Predictions February 2024: Venus and Mars with Pluto Triggering Love

February 2024 has a few surprises and potentially interesting developments. Pluto always resonates with the unconscious, where conscious will doesn’t always hold sway over matters, therefore not always the wisest of decisions are made.  However conscientiousness, if employed, can channel that Plutonic energy into significant constructive change.

Astrology Predictions January 2024: Celestial Navigation, Defiance and Unrest

Happy new year to all. The end becomes the new beginning. Life is an eternal wheel turning. We either revolve with the wheel, or we become the wheel itself. I

December 2023 Astrology: Zeus Lights Up the Skies

December 2023 Astrology: Zeus Lights Up the Skies

In the Northern Hemisphere we are rounding the last corner of autumn with the winter solstice on Dec 22.  Winter to me embodies the ultimate paradox that life and death are, you can’t have one without the other.  Life is indeed a circle, even the whole universe itself (according to some cosmological theories) has cyclic growth and contraction phases.  Just like the human heart.

October 2023 Astrology Predictions: Courageous Love in Transition

October 2023 Astrology Predictions: Courageous Love in Transition

This month there is an amazng three-day series of configurations culminating with Pluto making a direct station on Tuesday, October 10.  As that occurs transiting Venus will be in close conjunction with Regulus, the star representing the Heart of the Lion in Leo constellation.  Followed by a solar eclipse that has Mars in strong aspect to Neptune.

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

April 2023 Astrology Predictions: Venus in the Red Zone, Ring of Fire Eclipse

This month we have a good share of intermediate and more long-term developments astrologically.  Easter Sunday may prove memorable for more than a few, especially in regard to their relationships.  Jupiter inaugurates are new phase in the sidereal sign of Aries.  Then we have a very deep turn in affairs indicated for all, the old making way for the new.  The old in this case may be making a unique exit of it’s own.

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2023, the Year Ahead and January’s Astrological Portents

2023, the Year Ahead and January’s Astrological Portents

I don’t paint a pretty picture here, but an attempt at realism is going to be much better than some kind of retreat into rosy delusion about the state of things. At the same time, we have no where else to go. We HAVE TO strive to make things work, be cooperative and loving towards each other and above all BE REAL. The Wheel of life turns and we don’t get off until our collective karmic ledger is cleared and we do what we came here to do.

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