April 30, 2024
May 2024 Astrology Predictions: Irreversable Change
by Curtis Burns,

May 2024: Pluto SR then semisquare Saturn, May 2-6

There is a particularly severe space from about May 2-6.  Pluto turns stationary retrograde then four days later is semisquares Saturn.  This might fall under the radar of a lot of astrologers, because they neglect to note the power of semisquares, but this might be the most nakedly significant time of this month.

Regardless of how it seems “good” or “bad”, “significant” basically means CHANGE, and Saturn-Pluto configurations can mean the most irreversible kind.  Once the house burns down, life is not going to go back to the way it was.

Wednesday, May 1
May Day
No peaking influences

Thursday, May 2
Pluto Stationary Retrograde
Emergence of corruption, pivotal moments. 

Friday, May 3
Get things done, but complications, errors, falterings.  (Mars sextile Pluto and opposite Super Galactic Center, Sun semisquare Neptune)

Saturday, May 4
Star Wars Day
Eta-Aquarid Meteor Shower
May the Fourth be with you! Where were you when Star Wars premiered?  I was 15 with a broken leg. What does this have to do with astrology? Not a lot, lol. But the Moon in Pisces today and Venus and Juno in trine and the Moon opposite the Super Galactic Center, might be able to keep us in the realm of romance and fantasy.

Sunday, May 5
May 5
Moon at Perigee
Celebrating the gust of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples, the Moon reaches closest Node to Earth itself, possibly making everything a little bit more visceral.

Monday, May 6
Saturn semisquare Pluto
Ouch, intensified life lessons. Acute turns. Fate seems cruel.

Tuesday, May 7
Proceed with centered purposefulness.  (Sun sextile Saturn)

Wednesday, May 8
New Moon
Mars at Perihelion
Things are moving now with Mars at closest point to the Sun.  The Moon moving over the Pleiades and Algol, things may seem very intense.

Thursday, May 9
Mercury Greatest Elongation
Partnerships and connectedness help move things along. Realizations and new perspectives achieved.  (Sun and Mars tridecile and quincunx Juno)

Friday, May 10
This is a very interesting day, like in the way people are intrigued by horror and some of the more depraved human behaviors.  Stay calm and centered during periods of intense chaos.  (Sun tridecile Pluto, Mars semisquare Uranus, Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune, Jupiter conjunct Algol star)

Saturday, May 11
No peaking influences

Sunday, May 12
The Sun enters the constellation of Taurus, seize bullish opportunities for the next 30 days.  Dig your heels in.

Monday, May 13
Strive for independence, fear not the status quo.  You are the new paradigm maker.  (Sun conjunct Uranus)

Tuesday, May 14
No peaking influences

Wednesday, May 15
First Quarter Moon
Be bold with love.  (Venus at midpoint between Juno and Pluto, Moon in Leo conjunct Regulus star)

Thursday, May 16
Unnerving, unsettling situations and developments with Sun conjunct Algol star.  Deep relationship situations.  (Juno biquintile Pluto)

Friday, May 17
Moon at Apogee
Reckless, obsessive behaviors, mental confusion and negative attitudes.  (Mercury square Pluto, Mars sesquiquad Jupiter, Mercury semisquare Saturn)

Saturday, May 18
Sun conjunct Jupiter, Mars conjunct Node
Doubling down, pushing the envelope. Might makes right. Ideology leads the way.  Excitement, love in the air.  (Venus conj Uranus, Mars quintile Pluto)

Sunday, May 19
What you believe becomes reality.  Passionate trysts, associations.  (Sun sextile Neptune, Mars biquintile Juno)

Monday, May 20
Intensity, arduousness, facing the deeper intractable issues in life and love.  (Saturn quintile Sun, Sun conj Pleiades and Venus conjunct Algol)

Tuesday, May 21
Go, do.  Overcome opposition.  Gain constructivity.  (Sun semisquare Mars)

Wednesday, May 22
Access power to conscientiously address sticky issues.  (Sun trine Pluto, Moon opposite Algol in evening US time)

Thursday, May 2
Full Moon in Taurus-  Wesak
Magical spaces, but some emotional discontentment.  (Venus conjunct Jupiter and Sextile Neptune, Venus quintile Saturn)

Friday, May 24
No peaking influences

Saturday, May 25
Great feeling, but can be but some delusion involved.  Despair, demotivation.  (Venus trine Pluto, Mercury semisquare Neptune)

Sunday, May 26
No peaking influences

Monday, May 28
Memorial Day USA
Arrogance and malevolence. Calmness prevails, insights for growth.  (Jupiter conjunct Pleiades stars, Mercury sextile Saturn)

Tuesday, May 28
Expectations brought to realistic levels.  Penetrating insight, charismatic delivery. (Jupiter quintile Saturn, Mercury tridecile Pluto)

Wednesday, May 29
The struggle for love.  (Venus semisquare Mars)

Thursday, May 30
Last Quarter Moon
Insights and inspiration as the Sun conjuncts Aldebaran and Antares the Eye of the Bull and the Heart of the Scorpion, respectively. Mars also enters sidereal Aries, allowing more purity of motivation.  Mercury now moved into sidereal Taurus, allows more practical perspective.

Friday, May 31
Moon Occults Saturn
New perspectives and knowledge.  Relationship adjustments. Exciting emotional and relationship spaces.  (Mercury conjunct Uranus, Sun square Juno, Venus opposite Antares and conjunct Aldebaran stars)

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