Current Events Articles

Saturn’s Carnage

Myanmar Cyclone, Chilean Volcano Erupts, Palfrey Suicide, Food Shortages, Oil Price Rises Last week I included in the Astro-Success column Saturn’s station, where it returns to normal forward motion after a period of months being retrograde.  These are almost...

Barack Obama Pt 1: The Man Himself

Barak Obama has swiftly come up the ranks from lawyer to Illinois state senator to US senator and now possibly to US President if he wins the 2008 US election.  The key to electability today is not leadership ability, but marketability of the message, an image of the...

John McCain Pt 3: Key Cycles Up to the Election

While Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton are trading snipes at each other daily in the media, John McCain seems to be just cruising along.  Life has always seemed to be pretty generous for McCain, maybe his road to the White House will be as equally hitch-less. The whole...

John McCain Pt 2: US Astrology Connections

From the outset, some very strong, deep, and potentially problematical connections are evident.  To correctly interpret all of this we'll need a little grounding in political realism as well as the ancient art of astrology. If McCain were to win the election this...

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