We are at the last month of the last year of the decade.  It’s a pretty good time to end on a win. 

When we “win” the victory is not over others; it’s a victory over defeatism, dysfunction and deceit within us.  Obstructing-thwarting thoughts removed, our success in our endeavors is almost assured. 

The world might have us think that we’re competing in some battle royale for supremacy.  I think the real battle is internal “vanquishing” the lazy, complaining, envious self that co-occupies our consciousness, letting the shining powerful real self to step forth. 

In a world characterized by scarcity; only so much money to go around, limited resources, limited jobs, energy, etc. (all conveniently made to occur by oil cartels, central banks, and monopolies), it’s then that we start to get into the desperate “dog eat dog” mentality of the so-called free market. 

However, in a world characterized by unlimited abundance, natural and not engineered for domination and control by a few, then there is no need to fight for the scraps that fall from the master’s table, as it were, everything is generally available to acquire. 

Therefore, while we may not be able to control the ups and downs of the markets and economies, we can control our accessing of unlimited energy from our divine source (the I AM Presence) by eliminating the self-limiting concepts and beliefs and charge forth to do amazing things with the abundance that still flows internally. 

Sunday, Dec 1
Being yourself means throwing off what others will tell/think you “should” be, or what or how you “should” do it.  Find yourself and fly with it.  (Sun biquintile Uranus)

Monday, Dec 2
Good fortune and strength of leadership come out.  The mind can ride a powerful wave to persuade, to investigate or to understand.  (Sun conjunct Antares/Aldebaran, Mercury sextile Pluto)

Tuesday, Dec 3
Relationships take center stage.  Motivations may be strong, but ethics may be ignored.  People and situations are not here just to facilitate our plans, goals, or desires; there is a bigger picture to always consider.  (Venus conjunct South Node, Venus sextile Mars, Mars quintile Pluto)

Wednesday, Dec 4
We may find ourselves “taken out” of reality for some fantasy world excursions: some impracticality, some delusory irrelevancy, during some moments, but sometimes these dream-transports may allow us to receive inspiring messages.  Relationships may need to work through emotional matters.  (Moon conjunct Neptune, Venus square Juno)

Thursday, Dec 5
No peaking influences

Friday, Dec 6
Shock and intensity in reactions.  Developments may seem scary.  (Mercury opposite Algol)

Saturday, Dec 7
Delight and good fortune from unexpected developments.  Creative inspiration.  (Venus opposite Sirius, Moon opposite Spica/Arcturus, Mercury tridecile Neptune, Venus tridecile Uranus)

Sunday, Dec 8
Energetic and motivational challenges, but heroic determination will deliver subtler victories.  Love and relationships favored.  (Sun square Neptune, Moon conjunct Uranus early morning, Venus conjunct Vega and sextile Neptune)

Monday, Dec 9
Troubling revelations, but knowledge is always helpful.  (Mercury opposite the Pleiades)