January 28, 2006
Venus in Astrology
by Curtis Burns,

Venus, the Goddess of Love

Venus AstrologyVenus is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and appropriately positive and beneficial in our lives.  Its sphere of influence is in our appreciation and enjoyment of life; it is also associated with love and relationships, and is by nature connected to sensuality.

RulershipLibra and Taurus
DebilityAries and Scorpio
Exaltation Pisces
Fall Virgo

Venus is more suited to the harmony and affability of Libra, as well as the physical sensuality and tangible material refinement that Taurus specializes in.  Hence, Venus’ rulership and exaltation in these signs.

Conversely, Venus is less selfish (more relationship-oriented) than Aries is, and Scorpio’s intensity and potential ill-will is also not Venus’ style.  In Virgo Venus is less interested the sign’s modest  and possibly boring management of things.  Hence, Venus is considered debilitated or in fall in these signs.

Venus SymbolVenus rules our sense of beauty and refinement, that which we might see in the lines, angles and colors of nature, fashion, and the larger universe.  It is also associated with physical representations of luxury, wealth and high value, such as precious metals, gems, nice houses, great cars, and beautiful paintings, etc.

Like Mercury, Venus is a rajasic benefic, so while delivering wonderful social, romantic, artistic and refined matters to life, it can also become involved with being “in love with love” and temptations to greed, lust, and vanity; all of which from a spiritual standpoint, do not necessarily bring one to sublime fulfillment.

Afflictions to Venus will point to potentials to use love to manipulate others, or to never be satisfied with life’s pleasures: good food, relationships, money, sex, etc.  Many times we use situations, people and things as a compensation for lacks of those inner qualities in our life; Venus will affect those matters.

In Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish; Venus is also called Shukra.  Venus is a female planet; in men’s chart represents love and marriage.

Venus is good to track, whether by transit, progression or period; it’s activity usually coincides with happy social events such parties; encounters with art and beauty; and wonderful intimate contacts with others.  Those who use the cycles of Venus will have much better success in relationships.

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